“He is more of a leader than a CEO. He knows how to marshal his troops and get the work done efficiently. He reaches out to the clients personally gaining their confidence and thus building a good rapport with them”

CEO, MR. S. Soundara Rajan is a versatile person, who is a Founder as well as CEO of Valli solar. He had completed his Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and further did his B.Tech. With close to ten years of experience in the solar industry. He has also worked in thermal power plants, hydro power plants, solar projects and tunnels in places such as Delhi, Kashmir and Saudi Arabia. He acts as the tool to make the founder’s dream a reality.

He works tirelessly for the development of the company and comes up with new ideas more often which keeps us in the race and puts ourselves ahead of our competitors. He reaches out to the clients personally, gaining their confidence and thus building a good rapport with them. He is the go to man for all our staff as he finds a solution to any problems related to the business.


He is more of a leader than a CEO. He knows how to marshall his troops and get the work done efficiently. His knowledge in the solar energy industry is immense and he is still eager to learn the latest developments and to keep himself updated. He is family with the dynamics of the industry in which the company operates and the specific challenges the company may be facing.

His innovative management philosophies and expiration has provided a global platform for the industry. His ideologies and techniques have been appreciated even by the competitors. He has a clear strategy for the company and knows which markets will the company enter and who are the competitors. He knows how to differentiate our company from the others. Though he has several technical skills and other leadership qualities his team building and bonding is what keeps the employees motivated.

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Our Mission

Produce Your Own Clean Save
nour the Environment

Recycling Rubbish

Recycling Rubbish

Know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequees that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of it is pain some great pleasure.
Dynamic Ecology

Dynamic Ecology

Know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequees that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of it is pain some great pleasure.


Roof Top Solar PV System

Reduce/Eliminate Electricity Bills

Installing an On-Grid Solar PV System on your roof, can help you reduce your monthly electricity bills or completely eliminate them, by ensuring that your power demand is adequately met, by the Solar Generation. You can save up to 95% on power bills every month.

Protect Against Rising Tariffs

Utility tariffs increase at around 5% every year. This can have a major impact on your planned yearly budget. Generating your own power with a Solar PV Plant can protect you from rising energy costs, by reducing your dependence on the energy imported from the utility..

Protect The Environment

Solar energy is a free source of energy. With one hour of solar energy from the sun, we can meet the global energy requirements for a year. Because of its non-polluting nature, installing a Rooftop Solar PV System can help combat the greenhouse emissions produced by traditional power sources

Great Return on Investment

With Reducing Solar Power System costs over the past few years, Rooftop Solar is now more affordable than ever. Add to it the benefit of minimal maintenance costs and a payback of 4-6 years, you have a great long-term investment opportunity. Solar can earn you 2x more than your regular FD.

Low Maintenance

Solar power systems are low-cost power generation option and, in some cases, it can help make power bills zero or reduce to a minimum. Valli solar ensures to serving with the right maintenance after the solar system installation and the maintenance cost is nominal

Renewable Energy

Generating energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and contributes to reducing air pollution to a greater extent.